heating, heater, radiator
[de ver-war-ming, de ver-war-ming-en]
"Verwarming" contains "warm" which translates to "warm". Related verb is "verwarmen", which translates to "to heat" or "to warm".
"Verwarming" can refer to the entire heating system or a (single) radiator unit.
– "Ik lees graag een boek bij de verwarming. Dat is voor mij een heerlijk tijdverdrijf."
("I like to read a book near a warm radiator. That's wonderful pastime for me.")
– "De verwarming is uitgevallen!" – "Praat me er niet van, ik heb al een monteur gebeld…"
("The heating is not working!" – "Don't get me started, I've already called a mechanic…")
– "Door de aardbeving doet de vewarming het niet meer, wat een ellende..."
("Due to the earthquake, the heating is no longer working, such misery…")
– "Er warmpjes bij zitten": to be comfortably/well off, to have a lot of money.
– "Frank is arm, maar zijn ouders zitten er warmpjes bij…"
("Frank is poor, but his parents are well off…")
Related words:
– Airco/airconditioning: airconditioning, airconditioner [noun] [de airco, de airco's].
– "Het wordt warm hierbinnen, mag de airco aan?"
("It's getting hot in here, can I switch on the airconditioning?")
– Hartverwarmend: heartwarming [adjective].
– Radiator: radiator [noun] [de radiator, de radiatoren].
– Kachel: heater, stove [noun] [de kachel, de kachels].
– Verwarmen: to heat, to warm [verb] [verwarmen, verwarmde, h. verwarmd].
– Warm: warm, hot [adjective].
Most modern Dutch houses have some kind of central heating system, called "centrale verwarming" or "CV(-installatie)". Core of the system is usually a gas-heated "CV-ketel" (boiler or heater). In older houses you may also find "gasverwarming" units (gas heaters). And in some parts of the country you may also have "stadsverwarming" (district heating).