
heating, heater, radiator Iconspeaker_3 Verwarming
[de ver-war-ming, de ver-war-ming-en]

"Verwarming" contains "warm" which translates to "warm". Related verb is "verwarmen", which translates to "to heat" or "to warm".

"Verwarming" can refer to the entire heating system or a (single) radiator unit.

– "Ik lees graag een boek bij de verwarming. Dat is voor mij een heerlijk tijdverdrijf." 
("I like to read a book near a warm radiator. That's wonderful pastime for me.")

– "De verwarming is uitgevallen!" – "Praat me er niet van, ik heb al een monteur gebeld…" 
("The heating is not working!" – "Don't get me started, I've already called a mechanic…")

– "Door de aardbeving doet de vewarming het niet meer, wat een ellende..." 
("Due to the earthquake, the heating is no longer working, such misery…")

– "Er warmpjes bij zitten": to be comfortably/well off, to have a lot of money.

– "Frank is arm, maar zijn ouders zitten er warmpjes bij…"
("Frank is poor, but his parents are well off…")

Related words:
– Airco/airconditioning: airconditioning, airconditioner [noun] [de airco, de airco's].

– "Het wordt warm hierbinnen, mag de airco aan?"
("It's getting hot in here, can I switch on the airconditioning?")

Hartverwarmend: heartwarming [adjective].
– Radiator: radiator [noun] [de radiator, de radiatoren].
Kachel: heater, stove [noun] [de kachel, de kachels].
– Verwarmen: to heat, to warm [verb] [verwarmen, verwarmde, h. verwarmd].
– Warm: warm, hot [adjective].

Most modern Dutch houses have some kind of central heating system, called "centrale verwarming" or "CV(-installatie)". Core of the system is usually a gas-heated  "CV-ketel" (boiler or heater). In older houses you may also find "gasverwarming" units (gas heaters). And in some parts of the country you may also have "stadsverwarming" (district heating).


heartwarming Iconspeaker_3

Hart gevuld met emoticonsThe Dutch verb for “to heat” or “to warm” is “verwarmen”. A word you may know is “verwarming”: heating (in your house for example). The adjective ‘heartwarming’ can be created in Dutch by combining the noun “hart” and the adjective “verwarmend”, the latter is created from the verb by adding -d (whereas in English you would add -ing).

– “De reactie van het publiek was hartverwarmend.” 
(“The response of the audience was heartwarming.”)

– “Het hartverwarmende gebaar van de politicus deed zijn populariteit onmiddellijk stijgen.” 
(“The heartwarming gesture of the politician made his popularity increase immediately.”)

– “Heb je nog een cadeau gekregen voor je veertigjarige dienstverband?” – “Nee, en ook de receptie was niet hartverwarmend te noemen, eerder kil…” 
(“And, did you get a present for your forty years of service (in the company)?” – “No, and also the reception could not be called heartwarming, rather cold…” The word ‘dienstverband’ translates as ’employment’ and ‘veertigjarig’ as ‘having taken forty years’.)

– “Ik wil jullie allemaal bedanken voor deze hartverwarmende ontvangst!” 
(“I would like to thank you all for this heartwarming welcome!” Note that ‘ontvangst’ is typically translated as ‘reception’.)

– “Het tv-programma ‘All you need is love‘ is een aaneenschakeling van hartverwarmende momenten.” 
(“The TV show ‘All you need is love’ is a succession/chain of heartwarming moments.”)

– “Hartverwarmend gezongen jongen, ik ben bijzonder ontroerd!” 
(“Heartwarmingly sung man, I am very moved!”)

Check out DWOTD Hart for an overview of expressions with “Hart”.

Related words:
Hart: heart [noun] [het hart, de harten].
– Warm: warm [adjective/adverb].
– Verwarmen: to heat, to warm [verb] [verwarmde, verwarmd].
– Ontroerend: moving, poignant [adjective/adverb].