rocket, missile [noun] [de raket, de raketten]
1. "De raket wordt om half negen gelanceerd."
("The rocket will be launched at half past 8.")
2. "De lancering ging niet door, want de raket had gebreken."
("The launch was cancelled because the rocket had some defects.")
3. "De regering erkent het gevaar van een raketaanval."
("The government acknowledges the danger of a missile attack.")
Extra:"Raket" is also the name of a traditional and still very popular popsicle/ice lolly, which to no surprise looks like a rocket. It was introduced in 1962 by a company called "Ola" ( and an estimated 30 million "raketjes" are consumed yearly in the Netherlands (source Wikipedia).
"Een raketje alstublieft!"
("A raketje please!")