to cuddle, to hug [verb] [knuffelde, geknuffeld]
The noun that goes with "knuffelen" is "knuffel", which translates to "hug" or "cuddle" (see ‘Related words’).
Mind that in the Dutch language the "k" is always pronounced!
– "Ik heb zin om jou te knuffelen!"
("I feel like cuddling you!")
-"Waarom knuffelen wij nooit meer?"
("Why do we never cuddle anymore?")
– "Sommige mannen houden niet van knuffelen."
("Some men do not like to cuddle.")
– "Het verliefde stelletje zat te knuffelen op een bankje in het park."
("The amorous couple was cuddling on a (little) bench in the park.")
– "Baby’s die veel geknuffeld worden, worden later heel sociaal."
("Babies that are cuddled a lot, become very social later on.")
Related words:
– "Knuffelbeer": teddy bear.
– "Knuffel": hug, cuddle.
– <at the end of an e-mail:> "Dikke Knuffel!"
("Big hug!")
– "Knuffel": soft/cuddly toy (if clear from context).
– "Mijn dochtertje is verdrietig, want zij heeft haar knuffel verloren."
("My daughter is sad, because she lost her cuddly toy." Notice here that the diminutive form of "dochter" is functional. )– <one lover to the other lover:> "Hoi knuffeltje, ik ben wat later thuis vanavond!"
("Hi honey, I’m home a bit later tonight!" Literally it says: "Hi little cuddly toy, …" 🙂 )
– "Omhelzen": to embrace.