
breakfast [noun] [het ontbijt, de ontbijten]

‘Ontbijt’ consists of ‘ont’ and ‘bijt’. The latter is derived from ‘bijten’: to bite. The original meaning of ‘ont’ is ‘preceding’, so ‘ontbijt’ means something like ‘starting to eat’. But no Dutch person would know or care! 🙂
The verb that goes with ‘ontbijt’ is ‘ontbijten’: to have breakfast.

– "Het ontbijt is de belangrijkste maaltijd van de dag."
("Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.")

– "Zal ik voor jou een lekker ontbijtje maken?"
("Shall I prepare you a tasty breakfast?" The diminutive use of ‘ontbijt’ is quite common in informal settings.)

– "Omdat je jarig bent, krijg je vandaag ontbijt op bed!"
("Because it is your birthday, you will get breakfast in bed!")

– "Is de overnachting inclusief ontbijt?"
("Is breakfast included (in the stay)?" An ‘overnachting’ is a stay of one night.)

– "Waar is de ontbijtzaal?"
("Where is the breakfast room?")

Related words:
– "Ontbijten": to have breakfast.
– "Lunchen": to lunch, to have lunch.
– "Eten": to eat.
– "Middageten": lunch, midday meal.
– "Avondeten": dinner, supper, evening meal.
– "Dineren": to dine.