
1. big, large, tall, great, major [adjective]

[Note on pronunciation: in this case the phonetic script would be identical to ‘groot’ so we have not included it.]

– "Dat is een grote kerel."
("That’s a big/tall guy.")

– "Wat ben jij groot geworden!"
("How you’ve grown!" Literally: "What have you become tall!")

– "Helemaal alleen in de grote stad."
("All alone in the big city.")

– "Deze winkel heeft alleen grote maten."
("This shop only has large sizes.")

– "Wilt u uw cola klein, medium, groot of extra-groot?"
("Would you like your coke to be small, medium, large or extra-large?")

– "Dat is een grote militaire operatie."
("That is a major military operation.")

2. in size [adjective]

– "Deze kamer is 20 vierkante meter groot."
("This room is 20 square meters in size.")

– "Deze kamer is twee keer zo groot als die andere."
("This room is twice as big as / twice the size of the other one.")

3. major (musical scale) [adjective]

– "Dat stuk is geschreven in D groot."
("That piece is written in D major.")

"Grote mensen.": tall/big people. This is how small kids refer to adults.

– "Hoe een klein land groot kan zijn.": lit. ‘how a small country
can be big’, this is often said when the Dutch can celebrate notable
achievements, for example in international sport events.

Related words:
– "Groots": grand.

– "De organisatie belooft een groots evenement voor groot en klein."
("The organization promises a grand happening for adults and children." Lit.: "… for big and small.")

– "Groot": grand, great. See also ‘Dutch grammar: declining of adjectives‘.

– "André Hazes was een groot artiest."
("André Hazes was a great artist.")