
bore, sorehead, nag [noun] [de zeur, de zeuren] [zeur]

Of course, there’s also a verb derived from "zeur", which is "zeuren": to nag, to whine, see the examples.

– "Frank kan soms zo’n zeur zijn tijdens vergaderingen."
("During meetings, Frank can be such a nag." Note that "zo’n" is short for "zo een": ‘such a".)

– "Mannen gebruiken vaak het cliché dat vrouwen veel zeuren."
("Men often use the cliché that women whine a lot.")

– "<Moeder tegen haar kind:> Nu ophouden met zeuren!"
("<Mother to her child:> "Now stop whining!" Note that the infinitive "ophouden" is used as an imperative. In Dutch, there are three possible imperative forms: the ‘regular’ imperative, the infinitive used as an imperative, and the past participle used as an imperative. See also 39. Oprotten. )

– "Zit toch niet zo te zeuren!"
("Don’t be such a sorehead/nag!" Lit.: "Don’t you whine / be whining like that!" Note that "zitten" is not used to express the literal "sitting", but is used to indicate a continuing action – in this case "zeuren".)

Related words:
– "Zeuren": to nag, to whine.
– "Zeurkous": synonym of "zeur": nag.
– "Zeurpiet": synonym of "zeur": nag.
– "Klagen": to complain.
– "Een zeurende pijn": a nagging pain.

3 thoughts on “Zeur

  1. Wat een prachtig weblog. Het is jammer dat Nederlands mijn moedertaal is, anders zou ik jullie weblog zeker gebruiken om mijn woordenschat uit te breiden. Vooral de voorbeeldzinnen zijn erg goed, ze zijn echt zoals je ze in het echt ook tegenkomt.

  2. Please keep the mailings as they are! Learning Dutch is all about knowing where words like “er” and “nog” go (for an English speaker like me who doesn’t have equivalents to these words, your direct translations really help) as well as understanding Dutch phrases that make this language so unique. You really take the time to explain those things and without that, I’d probably be mis-using the words. I also appreciate how many different circumstances you provide in using the word. It all makes an impact, for sure. Thanks again.

  3. Ja, aub, bliejf the DWOTD zelfde. Ik heb geen tijd het website te zoeken. Alleen af en toe. DWOTD is erg leuk. Bedankt. (Sorry voor mijn slecht Nederlands)

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