291. Belabberd

lousy, terrible, rotten, miserable, extremely bad [adjective] [‘bu-la-burt’]

"Belabberd" indicates the opposite state of well-being. "Belabberd" can be used for mental and physical state, situations and performance.

– "Ik voel me belabberd, ik heb echt een giga kater…"
("I feel terrible/like crap/miserable, I really have a huge hangover…")

– "Wat?! Je bent ontslagen? Dat is echt belabberd!"
("What?! You’ve been fired? That’s really lousy!")

– "Alweer zulk belabberd weer vandaag. Regen, regen en nog eens regen…"
("Again such rotten weather today. Rain, rain, rain…" Lit. : "Rain, rain and rain again…")

– "Tegen Roemenië heeft het Nederlands elftal een belabberde prestatie geleverd."
("The Dutch football/soccer team played extremely badly in the match against Romania." Literally: "Against Romania the Dutch team delivered a lousy performance." Note that "elftal" literally means "a set of 11".)

– "Met name de spits heeft belabberd gespeeld."
("Especially the forward played extremely badly.")

Related words:
– "Beroerd": miserable.
– "Slecht": bad.