invitation [noun] [de uitnodiging, de uitnodigingen] [‘uit-noo-di-ging’]
During the holiday season you might have received a number of invitations, for instance for the New Year’s Day reception (“Nieuwjaarbijeenkomst“) at your company, and in December for the end-of-the-year Christmas reception (“Kerstborrel“).
“Uitnodiging” originates from the verb “uitnodigen”: to invite. It can also be used in a figurative sense, for example when your behaviour “invites” a person to respond in a certain way.
– “Lisa geeft een feestje. Heb je ook een uitnodiging ontvangen?”
(“Lisa is throwing a party. Have you also received an invitation?” Literally: “Lisa gives a party.”)
– “Ik heb een uitnodiging gekregen voor de opening van de nieuwe tentoonstelling in de Kunsthal. Ga je mee?”
(“I have received an invitation for the opening of the new exhibition in the Kunsthal. Do you want to join me?”)
– “De uitnodiging voor de Nieuwjaarbijeenkomst ziet er erg kleurrijk uit.”
(“The invitation for the New Year’s Day reception looks very colourful.”)
– “Ik kan nooit op maandagen, dus ik heb de uitnodiging afgeslagen.”
(“I’m always otherwise engaged on Mondays, so I have rejected the invitation.” Lit.: “I can never on Mondays.”)
Related word:
– “Uitnodigend”: inviting.
– “Genodigde”: guest; “the one who was invited”.
Brilliant site! Am putting a link to it on my news pages ….