hallstand, hatstand, hat rack, coathook(s) [noun] [de kapstok, de kapstokken] [‘kap-stok’]
The Dutch usually hang their coats (and their hats, umbrellas, bags, etc.) on a "kapstok". The "kapstok" is often located in the hallway ("gang") of the house.
Sometimes, "kapstok" is used in a figurative way (often in office language/jargon). In that case, it’s meaning is that of a "framework" or "steppingstone", see the Examples.
– "Kerel, kom binnen! Daar is de kapstok! Wil je een biertje?"
("Come on in, big fellow! There’s a coathook over there. Do you want a beer?")
– "Er is geen plaats meer aan de kapstok, waar kan ik mijn jas ophangen?"
("There’s no space left on the hallstand anymore, where can I hang my coat?")
– "De inleiding van dit rapport is een kapstok om het projectplan te beschrijven."
("The introduction of this report is a steppingstone for describing the project plan." )
Related words:
– "Haak": hook.
– "Paraplubak": umbrella stand.