Friday [noun] [de vrijdag, de vrijdagen] [‘vrij-dag’]
Today is "Goede Vrijdag": Good Friday. It is a Christian holiday,
but it’s not a national holiday: companies do not have to be closed
today. Most are though, and a lot of people take the day off anyway, to
have a long Easter weekend 🙂
On this grey day, you may want to tune into Bach’s Matthäus Passion (St. Matthew Passion): it’s broadcast on Dutch national television at 12 o’clock on channel Nederland 2.
Names of days are not capitalized in Dutch (except when it’s the
name of a holiday, and when it’s the first word of the sentence of
– "Vandaag is het vrijdag."
("Today it’s Friday.")
– "Op Goede Vrijdag wordt de kruisiging en dood van Christus herdacht."
("On Good Friday the crucifixion and death of Christ is commemorated.")
Related words: ‘days of the week’
– "Maandag": Monday.
– "Dinsdag": Tuesday.
– "Woensdag": Wednesday.
– "Donderdag": Thursday.
– "Zaterdag": Saturday.
– "Zondag": Sunday.
Sometimes you may hear the phrase "vrijdag visdag":
Friday fish day. Traditionally, Friday is the Catholic day for fasting,
though not many Catholics will still fast every Friday 🙂 Since it was
not allowed to eat meat that day, fish was eaten instead. You may still
find many company restaurants having fish on the menu on Fridays.
Hei men!
Oh, I loved it! Dankjewel! Now I know how to write because I already
knew the correct pronunciation of the days of the week, because I was
there! eie! super! And, I´m not the only one in Brazil to read