door policy [noun] [het deurbeleid, <no plural>] [‘deur-bu-leid’]
Dutch word for "policy" is "beleid" and it is mostly used in the realm
of politics, civil service and government bodies. However it is not a
formal word per se.
A specific kind of "beleid" to which we might all have been exposed in
our lives is "deurbeleid". It involves you, the doorman or bouncer, and
usually some kind of inexplicable policy or imaginary membership. Then
all that is required in order to get in or change the door policy on
the spot is specialist persuasive powers, a lot of luck, or just good looks
🙂 Or perhaps a bit of bribing and maybe even violence, examples of
which have been reported in recent years in the Dutch news when refused
customers returned with a weapon to "solve the issue".
Although bouncers can get away with refusing admittance based on you
not wearing dress shoes, or being male when there are too many males
inside (this argument usually works for men), it is illegal to
discriminate. Currently the city of Amsterdam is encouraging people to
report incidents where they felt discriminated when they were refused admittance
to a bar or club. There is even a special website set up for this
– "De populaire clubs en bars in het centrum van grote steden voeren vaak een streng deurbeleid."
("Popular clubs and bars in the centre of big cities often pursue a strict door policy.")
– "De uitsmijter werd ontslagen omdat hij het nieuwe deurbeleid niet wilde opvolgen."
("The bouncer was fired because he did not want to comply with the new door policy.")
Related words:
– "Uitgaan": to go out.
– "Uitgaansleven/Nachtleven": night life.
– "Toelaten": to admit, to let in.
– "Weigeren": to refuse.
– "De toegang": entrance, admittance.
– "De entree": entrance, or entrance fee.
– "De uitsmijter": bouncer. From "uitsmijten": to throw out.
The final related word is uitsmijter, which I learned was a type of salad with a fried egg. Is there a connection between this and bouncer?
Hi Alen, good observation 🙂
If you order an ‘uitsmijter’ for breakfast or lunch you should get two fried eggs on slices of bread or toast and possibly slices of ham and/or cheese. If you are lucky, you’ll get some salad 🙂
I don’t know how we came to call this an ‘uitsmijter’. The only explanation that I can think of is that you “smijt” the eggs into the pan. “Smijten” translates to “to throw/fling/dash/smack etc.”.
Note that there is a third translation of the word “uitsmijter” and that is the final number/song/act of a show, usually with grandeur.
For a picture of an example “uitsmijter”, see DWOTD “Ei” at