
coach, carriage [noun] [de koets, de koetsen] Speaker

Today, the third Tuesday of September, is called "Prinsjesdag" ("Day of the little princes"). "Prinsjesdag" marks the opening of the Dutch parliamentary year and the day on which the government makes public the national budget for the coming year. The Queen will read her "troonrede" ("speech from the throne") in the "Ridderzaal" ("Room of the knight") outlining the government’s plans for the coming year. The Queen traditionally arrives at the "Ridderzaal" in the golden coach. This coach, offered by the people of Amsterdam to the Queen’s grandmother in 1898, is used only on "Prinsjesdag" since 1903.

– "In het sprookje ‘Assepoester’ verandert de fee een pompoen in een gouden koets."Goudenkoets1_2
("In the fairytale ‘Cinderella’ the fairy changes a pumpkin into a gilded coach".)

– "De koningin zwaait vanuit de gouden koets naar de menigte."
("The Queen waves from the golden coach at the crowd.")

– "De gouden koets wordt getrokken door acht paarden." Koets_2
("The golden coach is pulled forward by eigth horses.")

– "Koningin Beatrix arriveert op het Binnenhof waar zij om half twee de Troonrede zal voorlezen in de Ridderzaal."
("Queen Beatrix arrives at the ‘Binnenhof’ where she will read the speech from the throne at 1.30 PM in the ‘Ridderzaal’ .")

The document in which the National Budget is presented is called the ‘Miljoenennota’, literally translated as the ‘Document of the Millions’. The Minister of Finance gives both the National Budget and the ‘Miljoenennota’ in a golden suitcase to the (Dutch) Lower Chamber. 

Related words:
– Koetspaard: coach horse [noun] [het koetspaard, de koetspaarden].
– Koetsier: coach driver [noun] [de koetsier, de koetsiers].
– Troonrede: speech from the throne [noun] [de troonrede, de troonredes].
– Koningin: queen [noun] [de koningin, de koninginnen].
– Begroting: budget [noun] [de begroting, de begrotingen].