Dat zit zo

It’s like this [Dutch phrase of the week] Iconspeaker_kleinDat_zit_zo

"Dat zit zo" is literally translated with "That sits like this", which does not really make a lot of sense 🙂 In Dutch however, it is a common expression for an introduction to a narrative explanation. You may also see the alternative "het zit zo".

"Dat zit zo" can be used after the question "hoe zit dat?" or "hoe zit het met […]?", resp. translating to "how is that?" and "what’s the deal on […]?" See the Examples.

– "Hoe zit dat?" – "Dat zit zo:"
("How is that?" – "It’s like this:")

– "Hoe zit het met de reiskostenvergoeding bij dit bedrijf?" – "Dat zit zo:"
("What’s the deal on this company’s compensation of travel expenses?" – "It’s like this:"

– "Hoe zit het met dat gedoe tussen jou en Frank?" – "Nou, dat zit zo…"
– "What’s up with the fuss between you and Frank?" – Well, it’s like this…"

– "Makker, kijk jij naar mijn vriendin? Hoe zit dat??" – "Dat zie je verkeerd. Het zit zo…"
("Dude, are you checking out my girlfriend? What’s up with that??" – "You got it wrong. It’s like this…")