
to attend, to be present at [verb] [woonde bij, bijgewoond] Iconspeaker_3

"Bijwonen" is composed of "bij" and "wonen" but contrary to what you
might expect, it does not translate as "to live at".  You use the verb
"bijwonen" when you are present at some kind of meeting or event, but
do not really participate in the activity.

– "Wilt u de opname bijwonen? Dat kan. Bel naar het volgende nummer: …" 
("Would you like to attend the recording? That is possible. Call the following number: …")

– "Kun jij morgen de vergadering bijwonen, of ben je verhinderd?" 
("Can you attend the meeting tomorrow, or are you unable to go?")

– "Ik heb de bespreking alleen bijgewoond, ik heb niet echt deelgenomen aan het gesprek." 
("I was only present at the meeting, I did not really participate in the conversation.")

Related words:
– Toehoren: to listen to (other people in a meeting, etc.) [verb] [hoorde toe, toegehoord].
– Deelnemen: to participate [verb] [nam deel, deelgenomen].

– "Heb jij wel eens deelgenomen aan de marathon van Rotterdam?"
("Have you ever participated in the Rotterdam marathon?")

– Publiek: audience [noun] [het publiek, no plural].
– Wonen: to live, to inhabit [verb] [woonde, gewoond].