to paint, to dye
[ver-ven, verf-de, ge-verfd]
The Dutch don´t distinguish between giving your door a colour (to paint), or your hair (to dye). "Verven" can be used for the both of them. Note that the stem ends with an "f", which changes into a "v" in the infinitive and present plural.
The related noun is "verf": paint. Its plural is "verven".
– "Ik heb vandaag de voordeur groen geverfd."
("I’ve painted the front door green today.")
– "Weet jij of Frank zijn haar verft?"
("Do you know if Frank dyes his hair?")
– "Kijk! Die man heeft zijn auto paars geverfd, met roze strepen….beetje vreemd…"
("Look! That man has painted his car purple, with pink stripes…a bit strange…")
– "Uit de verf komen": to stand out clearly, to get properly off the ground.
– "Johns presentatie kwam niet uit de verf."
("John’s presentation didn’t get properly off the ground.")
– "Een verfje nodig hebben": to be in need of a lick of paint.
– "Een rare/vreemde kwast": a strange fellow. Lit.: a strange brush.
Related words:
– Verf: paint [noun] [de verf, de verven].
– (Verf)kwast: (paint)brush [noun] [de (verf)kwast, de (verf)kwasten].
– Verflaag: coat of paint [noun] [de verflaag, de verflagen].
– Kleur: colour [noun] [de kleur, de kleuren].