
goose bumps/pimples, chill bumps Iconspeaker_3 Kippenvel

[het kip-pen-vel, <no plural>]

"Kippenvel" is composed of "kip" and "vel", which respectively translate to "chicken" and "skin". "Kippenvel" refers to the skin of a freshly plucked chicken, but is mostly used as common idiom for a person’s skin reaction to cold, fear or being overwhelmed: goose bumps…

– "Het is fris buiten, ik heb kippenvel." 
("It’s chilly outside, I’ve got goose bumps.")

– "Het zal wel aan mij liggen, maar ik krijg kippenvel van dit weer." 
("It’s probably just me, but this weather gives me goose bumps.")

– "Het concert van U2 was geweldig! Kippenvel…gewoon kippenvel toen ze ‘With or without you’ speelden…" 
("U2’s concert was great! Goosebumps…(I) just (got) goose bumps when they played ‘With or without you’…")

– "Koude rillingen": cold chills.

– "Kun je de airco wat lager zetten, ik heb koude rillingen…"
("Can you turn down the air-conditioning a little bit, I’ve got cold chills…")

Related words:
– Kip: chicken [noun] [de kip, de kippen].
Ei: egg [noun] [het ei, de eieren].

– "Wat was er eerst? De kip of het ei?"
("Which came first, the chicken or the egg?")

– Vel: skin [noun] [het vel, de vellen].
– Koud: cold [adjective].
Fris: fresh, chilly [adjective].
– Rilling: chill [noun] [de rilling, de rillingen].
– Plukken: to pluck [verb] [plukken, plukte, h. geplukt].