
to discover Iconspeaker_3
[ont-dek-ken, ont-dek-te, ont-dekt]

VOC replica "Ontdekken" can both be used for locating hidden objects/places as well as intellectual findings. Related noun is "ontdekking". When you want to 'cover' something, we say 'bedekken'.

– "De Nederlandse ontdekkingsreizigers hebben veel exotische landen ontdekt." 

("The Dutch explorers have discovered many exotic countries." The Dutch are known for their 'ontdekkingsreizen' and colonial activities, especially in the East-Indies through the VOC ('Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie").)

– "Daar ben je eindelijk! Ik kon je nergens ontdekken in de menigte!" 
("Finally, there you are! I was unable to locate you in the crowd!" Literally: "I could find you nowhere in the crowd". The word "menigte" is composed of "menig" and "te", which means something like "manyness" (compare "gekte": madness).)

– "Soms zou ik willen dat ik 100 jaar geleden leefde, er was toen nog zo veel te ontdekken…" – "Ach, dat is toch alleen maar nostalgie, er is nu ook nog steeds heel veel te ontdekken!" 
("Sometimes I wish I lived 100 years ago, there was so much still to discover back then…" – "Oh well, isn't that just nostalgia, there is still a lot to discover these days!")

– "Ik heb onlangs een heel leuk koffietentje ontdekt, daar moeten we een keer samen heen!" 
("I've recently discovered a very nice coffe place, we have to (once) go there together!" Note that 'heen' is often used with the verb 'gaan' but you can also use it this way.)

– "Heb je je sleutels al gevonden?" – "Nee, ik heb ze nog steeds niet ontdekt." 
("Have you found your keys yet?" – "No, I still haven't discovered them.")

– "De ontdekking van de eeuw": the find of the century, the big discovery.

Related words:
– Ontdekker: discoverer [noun] [de ontdekker, de ontdekkers].
– Ontdekkingsreis: voyage of discovery [noun] [de reis, de reizen].
– Ontdekkingsreiziger: explorer [noun] [de reiziger, de reizigers].
– Ontdekking: discovery, find [noun] [de ontdekking, de ontdekkingen].

– "Ken jij het boek 'De ontdekking van de hemel' door Harry Mulisch? Het is echt een aanrader!"
("Do you know the book 'The discovery of heaven' by Harry Mulisch? I highly recommend it!" The noun 'aanrader' is derived from 'aanraden': to recommend. Read more on Harry Mulisch in the Extra below.)

Those of you who live in the Netherlands may have noticed the recent news coverage on Dutch writer Harry Mulisch who passed away last Saturday. Harry Mulisch is known as one of 'de grote drie' (the big three of post-WWII Dutch literature): Gerard Reve, Willem Frederik Hermans, Harry Mulisch. The works of Harry Mulisch have been translated into 30 languages. Read more on wikipedia.
Harry Mulisch will be buried this Saturday in Amsterdam.