
1. doll Iconspeaker_3
[de pop, de pop-pen]

"Pop" means "doll". Of course we all know the world’s most famous doll, Barbie. Many Dutch girls have had their own "barbiepop" ("Barbie doll"). See Examples for more on dolls. Some men also refer to their girlfriend or women in general as "pop" or its diminutive "poppetje". If a girl looks fragile and dressed up, some people could refer to her as a "poppetje". It could be used in both a positive and a negative meaning.


– "Heb je die poppen bij Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam wel eens bekeken?"- "Oh, de wassen beelden bedoel je? Nee, nog niet." 
("Have you ever seen those dolls at Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam? -"Oh, you mean the wax sculptures? No not yet.")

– "De bewaker van Paleis Noordeinde stond kaarsrecht en knipperde zelfs niet met zijn ogen; hij leek net een pop." 
("The guard of Noordeinde Palace stood upright and didn’t even blink his eyes; he looked just like a doll.")

– "Mijn buurvrouw spaart porseleinen poppen." 
("My neighbour collects porcelain dolls." Please note that Dutch distinguishes between female and male neighbours, "buurvrouw" and "buurman", respectively.)

– "Zij is echt een poppetje: elke dag worden haar nagels en haar gedaan." 
("She is really a doll; every day she gets her nails and hair done.")

– "Tijdens het kinderfeestje werd poppenkast gespeeld met echte poppenkastpoppen." 
("During the children’s party a charade was performed with real puppet theatre dolls.")

– "Deze politieke beweging stelt echt helemaal niets voor; het is een grote poppenkast." 
("This political movement amounts to nothing at all; it’s one big charade.")

Related words:
– Poppenkast: puppet theatre [noun] [de poppenkast, de poppenkasten].

2. pop Iconspeaker_3
[de pop, <no plural]

"Pop" can also refer to the music genre "pop". "Popmuziek" is "pop music", a "popgroep" is a band playing pop music. "Nederpop" is popmusic with Dutch lyrics, derived from the name of our country "Nederland" ("Netherlands"; "neder" is oldfashioned Dutch for "low"). Check out the Extra of DWOTD "Dak" for a typical 1950’s "Nederpopsong". Dutch hasn’t invented its own words for music genres and just copies the English words (jazz, soul, R&B, rock, metal).

– "Houd je van Nederpop?"-"Ja hoor, ik luister naar alles: De Dijk, Blof, Doe Maar." 
("Do you like Dutch pop music? "Sure, I listen to everything: De Dijk, Bløf, Doe Maar.")

– "Gaat je voorkeur uit naar pop, jazz of bossanova?" 
("Do you prefer pop, jazz, or bossanova?")

Related words:Pop_3
– Popgroep: band playing pop [noun] [de popgroep, de popgroepen].
– Popmuziek: pop music [noun] [de popmuziek, <no plural>].

During the Pentecost weekend and on First Pentecost day ("Pinksterweekend" and "Pinkstermaandag"), Dutch popfestival Pinkpop will be held for the fourtiest time in Landgraaf. The logo of the festival combines "pop" in its two meanings: "doll" and "pop".


wrinkle Iconspeaker_3
[de rim-pel, de rim-pels]Rimpel_3

"Rimpels" are "wrinkles", lines that appear on people’s faces when they grow older. The related adjective "gerimpeld" can refer to a wrinkled face, but also more generally, to a surface that has one or more ridges.

– "Mijn nieuwe dagcrème belooft dat rimpels tot de verleden tijd behoren." 
("My new daycream promises that wrinkles belong to the past.")

– "Ik kan zien dat je veel lacht: je hebt allemaal lachrimpeltjes om je ogen." 
("I can see that you laugh a lot: you have a lot of little wrinkles around your eyes from laughing.")

– "De oma had een rimpelloze huid na de botox-behandeling." 
("The grandma had a wrinkleless skin after the botox-treatment.")

– "Het nieuwe drankje "Fontein van de Jeugd" garandeert een rimpelloos bestaan." 
("The new potion "Fountain of Youth" guarantees a wrinkleless existence.")

– "De gerimpelde oude man zat glimlachend op een bankje in de zon." 
("The wrinkled old man sat smiling on a little bench in the sun.")

Related words:
– Plastische chirurgie: plastic surgery [noun] [de plastische chirurgie, <no plural>].
– Crème: cream [noun] [de crème, de crèmes].

Met de noorderzon vertrekken

leave without notice to an unknown destination Iconspeaker_3
[Dutch phrase of the week]

seaside-1031450_1280“Met de noorderzon vertrekken” can be literally translated as “to leave with the northern sun”. It stems from 17th century Dutch. Then, the “noorderzon” was synonymous to “during the night” – the sun shines in the northern/Scandinavian countries at night. The “zuiderzon” (“southernsun”) was synonymous to “during mid-day”. “Met de noorderzon vertrekken” originally meant to leave without notice leaving many debts. Nowadays, it is used when someone leaves without telling anyone that he intends to leave nor where he’s going.

– “Hij is met de noorderzon vertrokken en hij heeft nooit meer iets van zich laten horen.” 
(“He left without notice to an unknown destination and has never been in touch since.”)

– “Na dat schandaal is zij met de noorderzon vertrokken, later bleek dat ze naar Canada was geëmigreerd.”
(“After the scandal she left to an unknown destination, later it turned out she had emigrated to Canada.”)

– “Als je zomaar met de noorderzon vertrekt, loop je weg voor je verantwoordelijkheden.”
(“If you just leave like that, you walk away from your responsibilities.”)

– “De benen nemen”: to run away (both in literal and figurative sense) [lit.: “to take the legs”].
– “De plaat poetsen”: to desert (original meaning), to run away, to leave [lit.: “to clean the butt plate(part of a gun)”].

– “Toen hij de politiesirene hoorde, poetste de dief de plaat.”
(“When he heard the police siren, the thief ran away.”)

Related words:
– Zon: sun [noun] [de zon, de zonnen].
– Noord: north [adjective].


1. rose Iconspeaker_3
[de roos, de ro-zen]

rose-113735_1280The most common use of “roos” is “rose”. As you probably know, roses are not Holland’s most famous flowers; tulips are. If you’ve ever visited the Keukenhof (I have to admit I haven’t), you know how serious the Dutch take their tulips. “Roos” can have several other meanings that are explained below.

– “Op haar 28e verjaardag kreeg ze 28 rode rozen van haar vriend.” 
(“On her 28th birthday she got 28 red roses from her boyfriend.”)

– “Wat zijn je lievelingsbloemen? Rozen, tulpen, anemonen, lelies of chrysanten?”
(“What are your favorite flowers? Roses, tulips, anemones, lilies or chrysanthemums?”)

– “Hij plukte rozen uit de tuin van de buren.”
(“He picked roses from the neighbours’ garden.”)

– “Kun je de rozen even schuin afsnijden voor je ze in een vaas zet?”
(“Can you cut the roses slantwise before you put them in a vase?”)

– “Slapen als een roos”: to sleep like a baby.

Related words:
– Bloem: flower [noun] [de bloem, de bloemen].
– Tulp: tulip [noun] [de tulp, de tulpen].

“Sleeping beauty” is called “Doornroosje” in Dutch. “Doorn” means “thorn” and “roosje” is the diminutive of “roos” thus meaning “little rose”. She’s probably called this way because a thick thorny hedge is surrounding the castle where she’s “sleeping like a rose” 😉

As for girls’ names, “Roos” is also a common Dutch name. In the 1990’s, Dutch band Linda, Roos and Jessica scored a hit with “Ademnood” (“Shortness in breath”).

2. dandruff Iconspeaker_3
[de roos, <no plural>]

– “Gebruik je een anti-roos shampoo om roos tegen te gaan?” 
(“Do you use an anti-dandruff shampoo to prevent dandruff?”)

3. bull’s-eye Iconspeaker_3
[de roos, <no plural>]

– “Hij zei dat hij niet kon omgaan met een wapen maar hij schoot de eerste keer dat hij het probeerde in de roos!” 
(“He said he couldn’t handle a gun, but he hit the bull’s-eye the first time he tried .”)

– “In de roos!”: bulls’-eye!
– “Een schot in de roos”: a bull’s-eye, the perfect choice/decision/gift.


to replace, to stand in for Iconspeaker_3
[ver-van-gen, ver-ving, ver-van-gen]Vervangen_2

"Vervangen" means "to replace" or "to stand in for". The verb has no relation with "vangen" which means  "to catch". As the English "to replace", you can use "vervangen" for almost anything: from broken light bulbs to kneecaps to people.. The related noun – used for people only – is "vervanger" ("substitute"). The adjective related to "vervangen" is "vervangbaar" ("replaceable").

– "De spits werd in de laatste minuut van de wedstrijd vervangen. Zijn vervanger: een middenvelder." 
("The forward was replaced in the last minute of the game. His substitute: a midfielder.")

– "De binnenband van mijn fiets was helemaal beschadigd, dus ik heb hem vervangen." 
("The innertyre of my bicycle was completely damaged, so I replaced it.")

– "De blauwe envelop van de Belastingdient wordt binnen enkele jaren vervangen door een internetformulier." 
("The blue envelope of the Tax Authority will be replaced by an internet form within a few years.")

– "De VS gaan een van hun generaals in Afghanistan vervangen." 
("The United States will replace one of their generals in Afghanistan.")

– "Als je niet naar die afspraak kan, kun je dan vervanging regelen?" 
("If you can’t make that appointment, can you arrange a replacement?")

– "Mijn mobiel valt de hele tijd uit; hij is dringend toe aan vervanging." 
("My cellpone turns itself off all the time; it urgently needs replacement.")

– "Vervangend vervoer": substitute transportation (e.g. as part of your car insurance service).

Related words:
– Vervanging: replacement [noun] [de vervanging, de vervangingen].
– Vervanger: replacement, substitute [noun] [de vervanger, de vervangers].
– (On)vervangbaar: (ir)replaceable [adjective/adverb].
– Vangen: to catch [verb] [ving, gevangen].