
‘Toko’ is Indonesian for ‘shop’. At a toko in the Netherlands you will find Asian food products and take-away food. First association with toko is Indonesian but there are also Chinese and Surinamese tokos. Note that if someone tells you that ‘some place somewhere’ is a strange or fun ‘toko’, then it’s likely used as slang 😉

The sign says: ‘Als koken even niet uitkomt.’ (When it’s not a good time to cook / When cooking is not convenient.) ‘Uitkomen’ is a notorious homonym and has 12 different meanings according to Van Dale (vandale.nl). Another common meaning is ‘to exit (from somewhere)’, e.g. ‘De gijzelnemer komt het gebouw uit’. See http://www.dwotd.nl/2008/12/520-dat-komt-goed-uit.html for more.


Photo taken on Amstelveenseweg – Amsterdam

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