
stock, store supply, supplies, quantity
[de voor-raad, de voor-ra-den] 

In Dutch the noun ‘voorraad’ is used for supply/stock that is available for sale, supplies you may have at home,  or general supply/quantity available for use.

“Ja hoor, dit product is uit voorraad leverbaar, dus u kunt langskomen wanneer u wil.” 
(“Yes no problem, this product is available off the shelf, so you can stop by whenever you want.”)

“Helaas, ik moet u teleurstellen, ik heb deze lamp niet meer in voorraad.” 
(“I’m afraid I have to disappoint you, I am sold out of this lamp.” Lit. “Alas, … , I don’t have this lamp in stock anymore.” Note it is also common to use ‘op voorraad’ instead of ‘in voorraad’.)

“De korting geldt zolang de voorraad strekt.” 
(“The discount is available as long as supplies last.”)

“We vullen de voorraad ‘s nachts aan zodat de klanten er geen last van hebben.” 
(“We replenish the stock at night so that our customers are not bothered by it.” I’m afraid this sentence is not often said out loud in the Netherlands 😉 .)

“De voorraad strooizout blijkt elk jaar weer ontoereikend te zijn.” 
(“Every year again it turns out that the supply of ‘strooizout’ is insufficient.” ‘Strooizout’ is the salt that one uses for icy roads. The verb ‘strooien’ means ‘to scatter’ or ‘to sow’ (in case of seeds).”)

“Mijn oma heeft thuis een hele voorraad toiletpapier aangelegd; dat krijgt ze nooit meer op in haar leven!” 
(“My grandmother has stored up a lot of toilet paper in her home; she will never be able to finish it during her lifetime!”)

“Jongens, we zijn door de voorraad bier heen, wie gaat er even naar de avondwinkel?” 
(“Guys, the beer supply has run out, who’s going out to the ‘avondwinkel’?” The ‘avondwinkel’ is the late-night neighbourhood mini-supermarket. With Albert Heijn staying open to 22PM or later in the cities these days, the traditional ‘avondwinkel’ is losing ground.”)

Related words:
– Hamsteren: to hoard up [verb] [hamsterde, gehamsterd]. Derived from the behaviour of hamsters. Dutch supermarket Albert Heijn organizes annual ‘hamsterweken‘ during which you can buy two for the price of one (for selected products).
– Voorradig: in stock/store [adjective].

– “We hebben dit artikel in diverse kleuren voorradig.”
(“This product is available / in stock in all colours.”)

– Bevoorraden: to provision, to supply , to stock up [verb] [bevoorraadde, bevoorraad].