1. weather [noun] [het weer, <no plural>]
– "Het weer is vandaag typisch Nederlands: grijs en nat."
("The weather today is typically Dutch: grey and wet.")
– "De weerman had een sombere (weers)voorspelling."
("The weatherman had a gloomy (weather) forecast.")
– "Ik ga met de auto naar het werk in plaats van met de fiets; het is echt hondenweer!"
("I’ll take the car to work instead of the bicycle; it is really bad weather!" Literally: "I go with the car …, it is really dog weather!")
"Mooi weer spelen.": to pretend nothing has happened/everything is fine, to put on a show of friendliness.
"Frank speelde mooi weer tegenover het management toen hij de jaarcijfers presenteerde."
("Frank pretended everything was just fine when presenting the annual results to the management.")
2. again [adverb]
– "Frank zat weer te zeuren tijdens de vergadering."
("Frank was nagging again during the meeting.")
– "Neeeee, niet weer…."
("Nooooo, not again….")
– "Het is weer slecht weer!"
("Again it is bad weather!")
3. back [adverb]
– "Ik ben er weer!"
("I’m back!")
– "Heen en weer."
("Back and forth", literally: "forth and back" ;-))
"Het heen-en-weer krijgen van iets of iemand.": to become nervous/tensed or to go crazy, because of something or someone.
"Ik krijg echt het heen-en-weer van mijn schoonmoeder!"
("My mother-in-law is really driving me crazy!")
Related words:
1. "Regen": rain.
2. "Zonneschijn": sunshine.
The word "weer" in the meaning of "weather" appeared earlier in "DWOTD 56. Herfst", "DWOTD 72. Waaien" and "DWOTD 74. Klimaat".