Dat zal wel loslopen

that/it will be alright, not to worry Iconspeaker_3
[Dutch phrase of the week]
[dat zal wel los-lo-pen]

Dat_zal_wel_loslopen "Loslopen" means "to walk about (freely)". It can also be used for stray cattle, free running dogs and criminals at large. Strangely enough today's phrase seems to say you don't have to worry in any of those cases 🙂

You may also hear "het zal wel loslopen" and "dat/het loopt wel los".

Don't confuse today's phrase with "te gek om los te lopen".

– "Ik maak me zorgen, Alicia is nog steeds niet thuis!" – "O, ze is een zelfstandige meid, dat zal wel loslopen!" 
("I'm worried, Alicia is still not home!" – "Oh well, she is an independent young woman, not to worry!")

– "We moeten opschieten, ik sta dubbel geparkeerd." – "Dat zal wel loslopen, er is hier amper verkeer." 
("We have to hurry up, I'm double-parked." – "It will be alright, there is hardly any traffic here.")

– "Ik ben toch een beetje bang van die loslopende dieren." – "Ach, die dieren zijn mensen gewend, dat zal wel loslopen!" 
("I have to admit these free-ranging animals scare me." – "Oh, those animals are used to people, don't worry about it.")

– "Op het nieuws zeiden ze dat het allemaal wel los zou lopen, maar moet je kijken, er staat een file van hier tot Tokio!" 
("They said on the news they didn't expect any problems, but look at that, there is an enormous traffic jam!")

Related words:
– Los: loose, detached [adjective].
– Lopen: to walk [verb] [liep, gelopen].
– Zich zorgen maken: to worry [verb, reflexive] [maakte zich zorgen, heeft zich zorgen gemaakt].
Meevallen: to turn out better than expected, to exceed one's expectations [verb] [viel mee, meegevallen].


to exceed one’s expectations (in a positive way) Click to listen
[mee-val-len, viel mee, i. mee-ge-val-len]

“Meevallen” is composed of “mee” and “vallen”, which respectively translate to “along/with” and “to fall. Hence literally, “meevallen” translates to “to fall along”, but this makes absolutely no sense at all of course 🙂

“Meevallen” is used when your expectations about something are exceeded in a positive way. The opposite of “meevallen” is “tegenvallen”. Related noun is “meevaller” (or its diminutive “meevallertje”): a situation or occurrence in which your expectations are positively exceeded, see also Related words.

– “De bank wordt binnen twee weken bezorgd.” – “Dat valt mee, normaal is het ten minste acht weken.” 
(“The couch will be delivered within two weeks.” – “That’s all right, normally it’s at least eight weeks.”)

– “Frank heeft heel rustig gereden.” – “Dat valt mee, normaal houdt hij erg van bumperkleven.” 
(“Frank drove real quietly.” – “That’s not bad, normally he’s really into tailgating.”)

– “Het is niet makkelijk om Nederlands te leren…” – “Dat valt wel mee, Xavier.” 
(“It’s not easy to learn Dutch…” – “It’s not so bad as it seems, Xavier.”)

– “Een storm in een glas water”: a storm in a teacup, much ado about nothing.
– “Van een mug
een olifant maken”: to make a mountain (out) of a molehill, to
exaggerate. Lit.: “to make an elephant out of a mosquito”.

– “Frank heeft weer eens van een mug een olifant gemaakt…de schade aan zijn auto viel reuze mee…”
(“Frank has made a mountain out of a molehill again…the damage to his car wasn’t really all that much…” Note that “reuze” literally translates to “gigantically”: really much…)

Related words:
– Meevaller: piece of good luck, pleasant surprise, stroke of unexpected luck [noun] [de meevaller, de meevallers].

– “Ik heb gisteren vijftienhonderd euro gewonnen bij de loterij!!” – “Dat is te gek! Wat een financiële meevaller!”
(“I won fifteen hundred euros yesterday at the lottery!!” -“That’s great! What an unexpected financial surprise!”)

– Tegenvallen: to not meet one’s expectations, to exceed one’s expectations in a negative way [verb] [tegenvallen, viel tegen, i. tegengevallen].
– Vallen: to fall [verb] [vallen, viel, gevallen].