far out, great, fantastic
[Dutch phrase of the week]
"Te gek" literally translates to "too crazy/absurd". In fact, you can use "te gek" literally, e.g. in "te gek om los te lopen", but this Dutch Phrase Of The Week is about the non-literal use: far out, or great.
If something is completely far out or absolutely great, you can say: "helemaal te gek".
– "Wat vond je van Sanders optreden?" – "Te gek!"
("What did you think of Sander’s performance?" – "Great!")
– "Wendy heeft een navelpiercing…" – "Te gek, makker!"
("Wendy has a piercing in her belly button… " – "Far out, dude!")
– "Mijn relatie loopt op rolletjes! Geen gedoe deze keer…" – "Dat is helemaal te gek!"
("My relationship goes smoothly! No fuss this time… "That’s absolutely fantastic!")
Related words:
– Gek: crazy [adjective].
– Geweldig: great, fantastic [adjective].
– "Frank heeft Marianne gevraagd met hem te trouwen." -"Helemaal te gek! Geweldig! Fantastisch! Supergaaf!"
("Frank has asked Marianne to marry him." – "Completely far out! Great! Fantastic! Supercool!")
– Gaaf: awesome, great [adjective].