
bathroom sink [noun] [de wastafel, de wastafels] [‘was-taa-ful’]

Literally translates to: wash table.

Related words:
1. The verb “wassen”.
This can translate to: to wash, to do laundry, to grow/to rise.

a. “Wasmachine”: laundry machine.
b. “Wasserette”: laundromat.
c. “Afwassen” (verb): wash up, to do the dishes.
d. “Volwassen”: grown-up.
e. “Een volwassene”: a grown-up/adult.
f. “Het wassende water”: “The rising water”, a famous Dutch novel (1925)
by Herman de Man.

2. The noun “table”.

a. “Eettafel”: dinner table.
b. “Koffietafel”: coffee table.