
special offer, sale [noun] [de aanbieding, de aanbiedingen]

"Aanbieding" is derived from the verb "aanbieden", which means "to offer". It is commonly used for items that are on special offer in supermarkets or department stores, see ‘Examples’.
Another common word you will encounter is "reclame" for "special offer". This word normally translates to "advertisement" or "commercial" depending on context.

– "Aanbieding! Twee kilo bananen, van 2,30 voor 1,98!"
("Special offer! Two kilos of bananas, was 2.30, now 1.98!" Literally: "… from 2.30, for 1.98" Notice that in Dutch one uses commas to separate the cents from the whole euros.)

– "Deze week zijn de aardbeien in de aanbieding bij Albert Heijn."
("This week strawberries are on special offer / on sale at Albert Heijn.")

– "Ik denk dat ik een flatscreen TV ga kopen; ik heb een goede aanbieding gezien bij de Mediamarkt."
("I think that I’m going to buy a flat screen TV; I have seen a good offer at Mediamarkt.")

Related words:
– "Aanbieden": to offer.
– "In de reclame": on special offer, on sale (only for food products).
– "Uitverkoop": sale (mainly clothing shops).
– "OP=OP": this is used to encourage people to come down quickly and buy whatever is on sale, since it is expected that the item will be sold out soon (now, would there be some causal connection there?…) The word "op" in this case means "finished", as in "nothing left".