
square [noun] [het plein, de pleinen]

PleinAlthough many squares are square, "plein" does not translate to the shape "square"
but to the open four-sided space surrounded by buildings. The geometrical shape "square" translates to "vierkant" ("four side").


– "Zie je dat huis aan de overkant van het plein?"
("Do you see that house on the opposite side of the square?")

– "Het Plein in Den Haag is een bekend plein."
("Het Plein in Den Haag is a well-known square." Here some might argue that the name of this square is actually "Plein" without "het", but no one ever says that 😉 .)

– "Het Leidseplein in Amsterdam is niet echt de plek om lekker te ontspannen."
("The Leidseplein in Amsterdam is not really the spot to pleasantly unwind.")

Related word:
– "Schoolplein": schoolyard, playing ground (at the school).
– "Pleinvrees": agoraphobia (literally: "square fear").