bottle [noun] [de fles, de flessen] [‘fles‘]
The diminutive "flesje" is commonly used for the small bottles of soda or beer, or informally (see ‘Examples’). There is also a verb "flessen", which means "to con" or "to cheat", see ‘Related words’.
The Dutch recycle glass bottles and collection points are situated in every neigbourhood.
Plastic bottles, or beer bottles, you can return to the supermarket if you have paid a deposit for it, see ‘Extra’.
Not all plastic bottles are recycled, but plans are in the making to improve our efforts here.
– "We gaan picknicken op het strand met Pascal en Roos. Zullen we een fles(je) wijn meenemen?"
("We are going to have a pick-nick at the beach with Pascal and Roos. Shall we bring a bottle of wine?")
– "Het Nederlandse biermerk Grolsch staat bekend om zijn beugelflessen."
("The Dutch beer brand Grolsch is known for its swing-top bottles.")
– "Drink jij liever bier uit een blikje, of uit een flesje?"
("Do you prefer to drink beer out of a can, or a bottle?")
– "De fles geven": to bottle-feed (a baby).
– "Naar de fles grijpen": literally "to reach for the bottle", alcoholics are said to do this (informally).
Related words:
– "Ontkurken": to uncork.
– "Flessenhals": neck of a bottle.
– "Flessen": to con, to cheat, to fool.
– "Volgens mij zit je de boel te flessen!"
("I think your are pulling my/our leg!" The word "boel" is generally used for "things" or "business".)
– "Zuurstoffles": oxygen cylinder (e.g. for scuba diving).
– "Statiegeld": deposit (on bottles).
– "Glasbak": glass container for recycling your glass bottles.
Extra: on "statiegeld"
You do not pay "statiegeld" for all bottles that you purchase in the supermarket. For example, you do for beer bottles, but you don’t for wine or juice bottles. You do for bottles of coca-cola, spa, etc., but not for plastic bottles of milk.
In case you wonder why the machine is returning all of your bottles, check the back of the bottle. If it has the "waste basket" sign, or the "glasbak" sign, there is no "statiegeld". Another way to find out is to look for the word "statiegeld", or to look at your receipt: it will list "statiegeld" or the synonym "emballage" when you have paid it.