misunderstanding, misapprehension, misconception [noun] [het misverstand, de misverstanden] [‘mis-vur-stant’]
"Misverstand" is composed of "mis" and "verstand", which – in this context – respectively translate to "wrong" and "understanding". "Verstand" can also translate to "intellect" or "knowledge", also see the Related words.
– "Het spijt me, dit moet een misverstand zijn."
("I’m sorry, this must be a misunderstanding.")
– "Ach, ik zou boeken vol kunnen schrijven over het eeuwige misverstand tussen mannen en vrouwen."
("Ah well, I could write entire books about the everlasting misunderstanding between men and women." Lit. : "I could write books full…")
– "Om een misverstand te voorkomen: is vanavond het kledingvoorschrift smoking of rokkostuum?"
("To prevent a misunderstanding: tonight’s dresscode, is it black tie or white tie?")
– "Er is hier sprake van een misverstand meneer de agent: het stoplicht was nog oranje. – Nou, nou, meneer, dat was dan wel heel donker oranje, maar ik zal het voor deze keer door de vingers zien."
("This is a (case of) misconception officer: the light was still yellow. – Well, well, sir, that was really dark yellow then, but I will turn my blind eye on you for this time." Lit.: "There is talk here of a misconception…" and "…I’ll see it through the fingers this time.")
Note that a yellow light is an orange light in Dutch 🙂
Related words:
– "Verstand": reason, intellect.
– "Verstaan": to be able to hear, to understand.
– "Begrijpen": to understand, to comprehend.
– "Onbegrip": incomprehension, ignorance.
– "Verwarring": confusion.