
The verb "uitschakelen" can be used in different ways.

1. to switch off [verb] [schakelde uit, uitgeschakeld] [‘uit-schaa-ku-lun’] Iconspeaker_klein

In this translation "uitschakelen" is most commonly used for engines, but you can use it for small devices too, such as phones. You will also hear "afzetten" and "uitdoen".


"Als u lang moet wachten voor een open brug, schakel dan de motor uit."

("If you have to wait long in front of an open bridge, then turn of the engine.")

– "Dames en heren, wij zijn klaar voor vertrek. Wilt u alle elektronische apparatuur uitschakelen en opbergen?"
("Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for departure. Would you please switch off all electronic devices and stow them?")

2. to eliminate, to rule out, to cut out, to knock out [verb] [schakelde uit, uitgeschakeld] [‘uit-schaa-ku-lun’] Iconspeaker_klein

Other common verbs to use are "verslaan" ("to beat (in a game)") and "verslagen worden" ("to be beaten").

– "Toen Napoleon ook zijn laatste vijand had uitgeschakeld, stond niets hem meer in de weg."
("When Napoleon had also eliminated his last enemy, nothing stood in his way anymore.")

– "Het Nederlands elftal is door Rusland uitgeschakeld. Jammer maar helaas!"
Dutch team has been knocked out by Russia. Too bad!" Literally, "jammer maar helaas" translates to "pity but alas".) 

3. to be out of circulation  [verb] [schakelde uit, uitgeschakeld] [‘uit-schaa-ku-lun’] Iconspeaker_klein

Ronaldo_uitgeschakeldA third meaning of "uitschakelen" is only used with the past participle, in case of being out of circulation through ill health or because of injuries.

– "Laura is twee dagen uitgeschakeld vanwege een blindedarmontsteking, en daarom schrijft Sander vandaag de DWOTD."
("Laura is out of circulation due to appendicitis, and that’s why Sander writes the DWOTD today.")

"De voetballer is drie maanden uitgeschakeld vanwege een enkelblessure."

("The football player is out of circulation for three months because of an ankle injury.")

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