
to fill in/out/up, to enter, to complete [verb] [vulde in, ingevuld] [‘in-vul-lun’] Iconspeaker_klein

verb "vullen" translates to "to fill". You can choose from a number of
prepositions to specify the kind of "vullen" you would like to do:
"aan-", "op-", or "in-". In the case of "in" and "op" it’s easy to
guess. Look up "aanvullen" in the dictionary and "complete" this
explanation yourself 😉

– "Heb jij je belastingformulier al ingevuld?"

("Have you filled in / filled out / completed your tax form yet?")

– "Vul hier uw naam in."
("Enter / fill in / fill out your name here.")

– "Het aanmeldformulier invullen met blokletters alstublieft."
("Fill out the registration/application form in print please.")

– "Stuur de bon ingevuld terug en maak kans op een prijs!"
("Return the completed coupon and have a chance to win a prize!")

– "Ik wil graag een klachtenformulier invullen, kan dat?" – "Nee, dat kan niet. Wilt u daarover een klacht indienen?"
would like to fill in/out a comment/complaint form, is that possible?"
– "No, that is not possible. Would you like to file a complaint about

– "Ik wil eerst een algemene beschrijving van het projectplan. De details vullen we later in."
("I want a general description of the project plan first. We’ll fill in the details later.")

– "Vul maar in": and so on/forth, and all that jazz.
– "Een geheel eigen invulling": a highly personal interpretation.

Related words:
– "Registreren": to register.
– "Invuloefening": an "easy exercise" that requires no further thinking.
– "Invulling geven aan": to substantiate, to flesh out, to effectuate.

– "Mensen! Hoe gaan we concreet invulling geven aan de visie van ons bedrijf??"
("People! How are we going to actually substantiate the vision of our company??")

4 thoughts on “Invullen

  1. Is er ook en equivalent for het engels “fill me in…” (e.g. “informieren” op het duits)?

  2. @ Andreaux
    Yes there is. That would be “bijpraten”. For example:
    – “Kun je me bijpraten over de status van het project?”
    (“Can you fill me in on the project’s status?”)

  3. Hi there,
    I would like to request you to add a section: “VERB of the week or month” alongwith its all the voltooid and verleden and more tijd forms. Some of the verb forms drive me crazy. e.g. zien, zeggen etc.
    I love your site….and learning everyday..
    p.s. fijne vakantie verder!!

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