to put, to place, to set [verb] [zette, gezet]
"Zetten" is a versatile word. We’ve given three possible translations. There are more translations that you can use though, depending on context. A variety is covered in the Examples. The related noun is "zet", which translates to "move", see the Related words.
Don’t confuse "zetten" with "zitten", which translates to "to sit".
-"Liefie, kun je de bloemen op tafel zetten?"
("Sweetie, can you put the flowers on the table?")
– "Waar heb je mijn fiets gezet?" – "Daar…tegen die boom."
("Where did you put my bike?" – "There…against that tree.")
– "U kunt hier uw handtekening zetten.")
("You can place your signature here.")
– "Zet de wekker maar op half acht, dan kunnen we relaxed ontbijten."
("Just set the alarm clock for seven thirty, then we’ll be able to have a relaxed breakfast.")
– "Zal ik koffie zetten? Of heb je liever thee?"
("Shall I make coffee? Or would you rather have tea?")
– "Zoveel honger in de wereld… dat zet je aan het denken, toch?"
("So much starvation in the world…it makes you think, right?" Lit.: "…it puts you to think…")
– "Heb je het al gehoord? Franks vriendin heeft een aarsgewei laten zetten!!"
("Have you heard already?? Frank’s girlfriend has gotten an ass cap!!" Lit.: …has let (the tattooguy [impl.]) put an ass cap (on her [impl.])…")
– "Iemand een hak zetten": to put a spoke in someone’s wheel. Lit.: to place someone a cut.
– "Kabelbedrijven zetten KPN een hak met snel internet."
("Cable companies put a spoke in KPN’s wheel with fast internet." Note: KPN is the former national incumbent Dutch telecommunication company. It used to be owned by the state, privatized since 1989.)
– "De/Je hakken in het zand zetten": to put up (a) resistance. Lit.: to put the/your heels in the sand. See also Schoen.
– "De bloemetjes buiten zetten": to party, to go wild. Lit.: to put the flowers outside.
– "Te kakken zetten": (informal) to ridicule, to mock. Lit.: to set to poop.
Related words:
– Zitten: to sit [verb] [zat, gezeten].
– Zet: move [noun] [de zet, de zetten].
– "Dat was een meesterlijke zet van zwart…wit staat schaakmat."
("That was a masterly move by black…white stands checkmate.")
– Gezet: corpulent, stout [adjective].
– "Ontzet": aghast, dismayed at/by [adjective]. Lit. displaced.
1)Always find a bit tricky the usage of the words die and/or deze in Dutch.
In the word of the day: Zetten, you say the following.
– “Waar heb je mijn fiets gezet?” – “Daar…tegen die boom.”
(“Where did you put my bike?” – “There…against that tree.”)
In order to have the equivalent from English “There… against that tree”, should one not say in Dutch: “Daar…tegen deze boom.”? What is exactly the daily usage of die and deze in daily spoken Dutch?
2)Could you give a sentence/example of the expression below in a sentence?
– “De bloemetjes buiten zetten”
– “Te kakken zetten”
Dank jullie.
Hi Maia,
We plan to explain the usage of “die, deze, dit, dat” in a separate post.
Regarding the examples, what about these:
“Maia zet dit weekend de bloemetjes buiten.”
(“Maia is going wild/to party this weekend.”)
“Tijdens de opening van de tentoonstelling zette Maia de galeriehouder te kakken.”
(“During the opening of the exhibition, Maia mocked the gallery owner.”
Hope this helps,