
disturbance, interruption, failure, technical malfunction Iconspeaker_3
Storing_2[de sto-ring, de sto-ring-en]

The verb "storen" translates to "to disturb/intrude/interrupt/interfere" and is used in both a technical and non-technical context. The noun "storing" however is mostly used in its translation of "technical failure/malfunction".

– "Wereldwijde storing treft Gmail." 
("Gmail hit by worldwide breakdown.")

– "Vanwege een seinstoring is er geen treinverkeer mogelijk tussen Amsterdam en Den Haag." 
("Due to signal failure there are no trains between Amsterdam and The Hague." Lit.: "there is no train traffic between …")

– "Er is een storing op Schiphol, je kunt op dit moment niet inchecken." 
("There is a service interruption at Schiphol airport, you cannot check in at the moment.")

Related words:
– Onderbreking: disruption [noun] [de onderbreking, de onderbrekingen].
– Buiten dienst/werking: out of service/order.
– Storen: to interrupt/interfere/disturb [verb] [stoorde, gestoord].
– Gestoord: defective, mentaly disturbed [adjective].

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