fog, mist
[de mist, de mist-en]
The autumn is a misty season…you may want to use the "mistlampen" (fog lights) of your car more often now. Check out the Dutch rules on the use of fog lights in Extra.
– "Files door mist en ongelukken."
("Fog and accidents cause traffic jams." Lit.: "Traffic jams due to fog and accidents.")
– "Pas op voor mist onderweg naar Maastricht…"
("Beware of fog on the way to Maastricht…")
– "De mist is zo dik, ik kan mijn tenen niet meer zien!" – "Dat slaat helemaal nergens op…"
("The fog is so thick, I can’t see my toes any more!" – "That makes no sense at all…")
– "De mist ingaan": to come to nothing, to fail, to flop.
– "Franks presentatie ging ongelofelijk de mist in, ik heb nog nooit iemand zo zien falen, echt kansloos!"
("Frank’s presentation was an incredible flop, I’ve never seen anybody fail like that, really hopeless!")
Related words:
– Misten: to be foggy/misty [verb] [misten, mistte, h. gemist].
– Mistig: foggy, misty [adjective].
– Mistbank: fog bank, patch of fog [noun] [de mistbank, de mistbanken].
– Mistlamp: fog light [noun] [de mistlamp, de mistlampen].
– Wolk: cloud [noun] [de wolk, de wolken].
– Smog: smog [noun] [de smog, <no plural>].
– Nevel: haze, spray, mist, nebula [noun] [de nevel, de nevels/nevelen].
In the Netherlands, the following rules apply for the use of fog lights: the fog lights at the front of a vehicle can be used during fog, snowfall and rain when visibility is less than 200 meters. The fog light at the rear of a vehicle can only be used when visibility is less than 50 meters due to very thick fog or heavy snowfall. (On the Dutch highways, the latter implies that the next "hectometerpaaltje" (see Mijlpaal) becomes visible after you’ve passed the previous "hectometerpaaltje"…this weather condition is quite rare…)