
to print (out) Click to listen
[prin-ten, print-te, ge-print]

Printer "Printen" is typically used when printing computer generated content. You will also hear the verb "uitdraaien" and the noun "uitdraai" (print-out), as well as "uitprinten" (to print out). The latter emphasizes that
there is some kind of paper output, as opposed to for example printing
to PDF.

The general Dutch word for "to print (out/off)" is "afdrukken" which you will for example use in relation to photographs.

As the Dutch are kings and queens of diminutives take note of the noun "printje" (informal), which translates as "print-out".

– "Vergeet niet de routebeschrijving uit te printen!" 
("Don't forget to print out the directions!")

– "Man, je print toch geen document uit van 200 pagina's als het zo druk is op kantoor?!" 
("Oh man… who prints a 200 page document when it is this busy at the office!" Note that the implied question is captured in the word 'toch'.)

– "Ik heb net je mailtje uitgeprint; niet echt milieubewust, dat geef ik toe." 
("I've just printed out your e-mail; not really environmentally aware, that I'll admit." Note the verb "toegeven": to admit.)

– "Vroeger printte ik bijna alles uit maar met dit nieuwe scherm kan ik alles prima lezen." 
("I used to print out almost everything but with this new screen I can read everything just fine!")

– "Deze foto's zien er niet uit. Misschien moet ik ze laten afdrukken in plaats van thuis printen." 
("These pictures look terrible. Perhaps I should have them printed off properly instead of printing them at home." Note the use of "er niet uit zien": to look terrible/ridiculous/etc. (depending on context).)

Related words:
– Uitprinten: to print out [verb] [printte uit, uitgeprint].
– Uitdraaien: to print out (computer generated content) [verb] [draaide uit, uitgedraaid].
– Uitdraai: print-out [noun] [de uitdraai, de uitdraaien].
– Printer: printer [noun] [de printer, de printers].

– "Sander!! De printer doet het niet!!"
("Sander!! The printer doesn't work!!")

– Printje: print-out [noun] [het printje, de printjes].

– "Ga je naar de printer? Kun je dan voor mij even mijn printjes meenemen? Dankjewel!!"
("Are you heading for the printer? Could you please bring back my print-outs? Thanks!!")

– Afdrukken: to print (off) [verb] [drukte af, afgedrukt].

5 thoughts on “Printen

  1. I see the reappearance of a word I always feel awkward using: “toch”. You’ve done some examples of “toch” in the past. But, how about a whole post on “toch”? And, while you’re at it, how about the ever slippery “maar”?

  2. πŸ˜€
    Chris’ (very advanced) example of the usage of ‘maar’ and ‘toch’ illustrates why we haven’t so far followed Van’s suggestion.
    It is quite a task to explain the usage of ‘toch’ and ‘maar’ properly. Of course it can be done, but I’m afraid the DWOTD format is not suitable for it. We could do it as a separate post. However, from an educational point of view I prefer to provide some explanation on the spot when an example calls for it. This is what we usually do. If we would refer to a (long) treatise on ‘toch’ and ‘maar’, you may give up before finding the specific example πŸ™‚
    And that would be a shame.
    Maar toch…
    (“But still…”)

  3. Thank you Sander. Though I owe my knowledge of maar and toch completely to my wife πŸ™‚
    By the way when you say “If we would refer to a (long) treaty…” you may mean “treatise”?
    (please forgive the usual pedantry πŸ™‚ )

  4. Hi Chris, pedantry… no, I was just testing you πŸ˜‰
    Yes, of course I meant treatise, thanks! With your permission I’ll correct it πŸ™‚
    Perhaps we can one day have a treaty on ‘maar’ and ‘toch’. Who knows!
    Of toch maar niet?!

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