(computer) keyboard
[het toet-sen-bord, de toet-sen-bor-den]
"Toetsenbord" is composed of "toetsen" and "bord", which respectively translate to "keys" and "board", hence 'keyboard'. "Toetsenbord" is nearly always used in the context of a computer. The musical keyboard translates to "keyboard" in Dutch 🙂
In the Netherlands, the keyboard standard that is mostly used is QWERTY.
– "Ik heb pijn aan mijn arm…" – "Heb je al een ergonomisch toetsenbord?"
("My arm is aching…" – "Do you already have an ergonomic keyboard?" Lit.: "I have pain on my arm…")
– "Ik gebruik nauwelijks een muis, alleen het toetsenbord van mijn computer."
("I hardly use a mouse, only the keyboard of my computer.")
– "Frank computert meer dan tien uur per dag…" – "Dan zal zijn toetsenbord wel versleten zijn…"
("Frank uses the computer more than ten hours a day…" – "His keyboard will be worn out then…")
Related words:
– Bord: plate, board [noun] [het bord, de borden].
– Computeren: to use the computer for recreational purposes [verb] [computeren, computerde, h. gecomputerd].
– Keyboard: keyboard [noun] [het keyboard, de keyboards].
– "Speel jij Mozart op je keyboard? Hartstikke goed man!"
("Do you play Mozart on your keyboard? That's awesome man!" Lit.: "Really good man!")
– Muis: mouse [noun] [de muis, de muizen].
– Toets: 1. key [noun] [de toets, de toetsen]. 2. test, examination [noun] [de toets, de toetsen].
– Typen: to type [verb] [typen, typte, h. getypt].
The musical instrument is called ‘keyboard, but the keyboard of a piano is a ‘toetsenbord’.
@ bbleeker
You’re probably right, although I would call the keyboard of a piano a “klavier”, never a “toetsenbord”…
Anyway, I changed “always used in the context of a computer” into “nearly always used in the context of a computer” 🙂
“Ik heb pijn AAN mijn arm” would translate as “I have pain ON my arm”. That does not sound quite right, does it?
Indeed, that doesn’t sound quite right, and is in fact incorrect English, but that’s because it’s a literal translation…