
condition, state, stamina, fitness 
[de con-di-tie, de con-di-ties]

ConditieWhen a Dutch person says (s)he has a ‘bad condition’, (s)he most probably means that (s)he has ‘no stamina’ or is ‘in bad (physical) shape’. Often, ‘conditie’ in Dutch is used as a synonym for ‘voorwaarde’, in which case it refers to the terms or conditions that are part of an agreement or deal.

Note that when it regards ‘stamina’, ‘conditie’ can be used with both verbs ‘hebben’ and ‘zijn’: ‘in goede conditie zijn’, or: ‘een goede conditie hebben’.

– “Sander probeert in goede conditie te blijven, dus na deze DWOTD gaat hij hardlopen.” 
(“Sander is trying to stay in shape, so after this DWOTD he will go running.”)

– “Dit huis is in (een) slechte conditie; ik zou er niet te veel voor bieden!” 
(“This house is in a poor state; I wouldn’t bid too much (for it)!”)

– “Na jaren gerookt te hebben, was de conditie van de man allerbelabberdst .” 
(“After having smoked for years, the man had zero stamina.” Note that the adjective ‘belabberd’ means something like ‘extremely bad’ (or: ‘rotten, lousy, rough’). The Dutch language allows for one more step in the sequence [noun]-[comparative]-[superlative], which is created by preceding the superlative with ‘aller’. So in this case ‘allerbelabberdst’ is really very very very bad.)

– “Te koop, in uitstekende conditie verkerende zeilboot. T.e.a.b.” 
(“For sale, sailing boat in excellent condition. Will accept any reasonable offer.” Note that the verb ‘verkeren’ in this case means ‘to be in’. The abbreviation ‘t.e.a.b.’ means ‘tegen elk aannemelijk bod’.)

– “Heb jij een goede of een slechte conditie?” 
(“Are you fit or unfit / off form / in bad shape?”)

– “Ok, ik ga akkoord, maar alleen onder/op de conditie dat we het verlies delen.” 
(“Ok, I agree, but only on (the) condition that we split/share the loss.”)

Related words:
– Voorwaarde: condition [noun] [de voorwaarde, de voorwaarden].
– Energie: energy [noun] [de energie, <no plural>].
– Fit: fit [adjective].
Puf: energy, oomph [noun] [de puf, <no plural>].
– Sporten: to exercise (physically) [verb] [sportte, gesport]. Note that ‘sporten’ can be anything, exercise, fitness, practise a sport etc.


energy, drive, push, oomph Iconspeaker_3
[de fut, <no plural>]

Trap_oplopen When you don't have any "puf" for something, it means you have no energy to do something or that you do not feel up to something. There can also be 'no "puf" in you', meaning there is no push/drive left in you.

You wouldn't talk about a machine consuming too much "puf", in that case we'd say "energie" (energy).

– "Had je nog puf om na het werk te gaan sporten?" 
("Did you have any energy left to exercise after work?" Literally "to go and exercise / play sports?")

– "Ik heb bijna alles kunnen kopen vandaag, maar ik had geen puf meer om nog naar de drogist te gaan, dat komt dan morgen wel." 
("I was able to buy almost everything today, but didn't have the energy left to go to the chemist's / drugstore, I'll have to do that tomomorrow." Lit.: "…, that will come tomorrow." Note that you will also hear "drogisterij" (the ending -ij indicates the place/shop). The 'drogist' can also be the person "chemist/druggist".)

– "Wat is er met Frank aan de hand? Hij heeft nergens meer puf voor en klaagt steen en been!" 
("What's wrong with Frank? He doesn't feel up to anything and complains all the time!" The expression 'steen en been klagen' literally translates as 'to complain stone and leg'.)

– "Wandelvakantie? Daar heb ik geen puf meer voor hoor op mijn leeftijd…" 
("Hiking trip/holidays/vacation? At my age I don't have the energy left for such a thing." The verb 'wandelen' can both mean 'to hike' or 'to stroll, to go for a walk'.)

– "Wat zit je te puffen?! Heb je nu al geen puf meer?" 
("What are you panting for?! Are you already out of energy?")

Related words:
– Energie: energy [noun] [de energie, <no plural>].
– Fut: energy, strength, drive [noun] [de fut, <no plural>]. Used very much the same way as 'puf'.

– "Natuurlijk kunt u nog op wandelvakantie, er zit nog genoeg fut in u!"
("Of course you can still go on a hiking trip, there is still enough energy left in you!")

– Fit: fit, healthy [adjective].
– Puffen: to pant, puff [verb] [pufte, gepuft].