unlike, in contrast to, as opposed to
[Dutch phrase of the week]
"Tegenstelling" is composed of "tegen" and "stelling", which respectively translate to "against/counter" and "position/statement". Hence, "tegenstelling" literally translates to "counter position": a contrast. The idiom "In tegenstelling tot" literally translates to "in contrast to", but also to "unlike" or "as opposed to", depending on context.
– "In tegenstelling tot gisterochtend, had ik vandaag geen vertraging met de trein."
("Unlike yesterday morning, my train wasn't delayed today." Lit.: "…I didn't have delay with the train.")
– "In tegenstelling tot wat velen geloofden, heeft Nederland gewonnen van Brazilië!"
("In contrast to what many believed, the Netherlands won against Brasil!")
– "In tegenstelling tot de meeste Nederlanders, ben ik faliekant tegen het nationale gedoogbeleid voor softdrugs." – "Zeurkous…"
("Unlike most Dutch, I'm completely against the national policy on soft drugs." – "Nag…")
– "Integendeel": on the contrary.
– "Hoe gaat het jongen? Nog steeds kommer en kwel?" – "Integendeel! Alles loopt op rolletjes!"
("What's up buddy? All sorrow and misery still?" – "On the contrary! Everything goes like clockwork!")
Related words:
– Tegen: against [preposition].
– "Roze behang in de slaapkamer?
Daar ben ik faliekant tegen!"
wallpaper in the bedroom? I'm totally against that!")
– Stelling: thesis, position, statement [noun] [de stelling, de stellingen].