
grumpy, grouchy, cranky, bad-tempered [adjective] [‘sja-grij-nug’] Iconspeaker_klein

The related verb is "chagrijnen", which translates to "to grouch/grumble". The related noun is "chagrijn", which can be either a grouchy person, or the bad temper of that person. Both the verb and the noun are not used as frequently as the adjective "chagrijnig".

Often you will hear the pronunciation "sja-gu-rij-nug" or "sja-ga-rij-nug".

– "Frank is altijd chagrijnig ‘s morgens."
("Frank is always grumpy in the morning.")

– "Waarom ben je zo chagrijnig?" – "Ik heb gisteravond een blauwtje gelopen bij Ludmilla…"
("Why are you so bad-tempered?" – "I was turned down by Ludmilla last night…")

– "Wat is er met je zus aan de hand?" – "O, niets ernstigs, ze is een beetje chagrijnig."
("What’s wrong with your sister?" – "Oh, nothing serious, she is a bit grumpy." Note the common expression: "aan de hand zijn".)

– "Ik word zo chagrijnig van al die files! Het moet niet gekker worden in dit land!!"
("All these traffic jams make me so cranky! This country has reached the limit!!" Lit.: "I become so cranky… It must not become any crazier in this country!!")

Related words:
– "Chaggie"/"chagge"/"sjaggie"/"sjagge": informal version of "chagrijnig" that you might hear in speech.

– "Sorry hoor, maar ik ben een beetje chaggie vanochtend."
("I hope you don’t mind, but I’m a bit bad-tempered this morning.")

– "Ochtendhumeur": bad morning temper.
– "Nors": grumpy.
– "Ontvreden": dissatisfied.
– "Boos": angry.
– "Mopperen": to grumble.