[de krant, de kran-ten]
A "krant" is a newspaper. You may often see the synonymous "dagblad". There’s also the old-fashioned "courant" of which "krant" is of course derived.
There many newspapers in the Netherlands. Check out Extra for an overview.
– "Ik lees nooit meer een krant, ik heb het Internet!"
("I never read a newspaper anymore, I’ve got the Internet!")
– "Als je de muren gaat verven, moet je eerst wat kranten op de grond leggen."
("If you’re gonna paint the walls, you’ve got to put some newspapers on the ground.")
– "Met niets
verhullende foto’s choqueerde
de krant haar lezers."
("With revealing pictures, the
newspaper shocked its readers.")
"Spelen als een natte krant": (lit.: to play like a wet newspaper) to play very bad.
– "De spits speelde als een natte krant, totaal onzichtbaar in het veld."
("The forward played very bad, totally invisible in the field.")
Related words:
– Blad: 1. magazine [noun] [het blad, de bladen]. 2. leaf [noun] [het blad, de bladeren].
– Ochtendblad: morning paper [noun] [het ochtendblad, de ochtendbladen].
– Ochtendkrant: morning paper [noun] [de ochtendkrant, de ochtendkranten].
– Avondkrant: evening paper [noun] [de avondkrant, de avondkranten].
– Dagblad: newspaper [noun] [het dagblad, de dagbladen].
– Courant: newspaper [noun] [de courant, de couranten].
– Voorpagina: front page [noun] [de voorpagina, de voorpagina’s].
– Voorpaginanieuws: front page news [noun] [het voorpaginanieuws, <no plural>].
– "Dit onverkwikkelijke schandaal is voorpaginanieuws, wat triest."
("This unpleasant scandal is front page news, how sad.")
– Krantekop: headline [noun] [de krantekop, de krantekoppen].
– "Dit is geen wereldnieuws…dit zal de krantekoppen nooit halen…"
("This is not world news, this will never make the headlines…")
<From Wikipedia> In the Netherlands there are seven national paid newspapers. Morning papers: De
Telegraaf, de Volkskrant, Algemeen Dagblad, Trouw, Nederlands Dagblad, Financieele Dagblad,and
(only on weekdays). Evening papers: Het Parool, NRC Handelsblad and the Reformatorisch Dagblad. There are many regional newspapers. There are three national newspapers that are free: Metro, Sp!ts en De Pers. Some consider these free newspapers not proper quality newspapers…
Shouldn’t it be DE ochtendkrant rather than HET ochtendkrant? As a rule a composite name (de samenstelling) takes the gender (het genus of het grammaticaal geslacht) of the second part (het rechterdeel)? Of course, de uizondering bevestigt de regel, so there’re exceptions for sure, but I don’t think so in this case. Pass.
@ Irresistibly pedantic
You’re absolutely right, it’s “DE ochtendkrant”. I’ve corrected it. thnx!
Since my surname is Krant, I am curious what you tell me about its history. I tracked the surname to the 1500’s, however only learned bits and pieces.