Je van het

very good, all that, the very best  Iconspeaker_3 Je_van_het

phrase of the week]

"Je van het" literally translates to "you of it", which makes absolutely no sense at all 🙂 Translations may vary, but the general idea is that when something is "je van het", it’s very good.

– "Dit beachresort is helemaal je van
het. Ontspannen
in je hangmat op het strand!"
– "Te

("This beach resort
is the best. Relaxing in your hammock on the beach!" – "Far out!")

– "Ik vind het nieuwe behang in de woonkamer niet je van het." 
("I think the wallpaper in the living room is not all that.")

– "Hebben jullie ook een afwasmachine? Ik vind het helemaal je van het!" 
("Do you also have a dishwasher? I think it’s really the best!")


"Crème de la crème": the very best.
– "Het neusje van de zalm": (lit.: the little nose of the salmon) the very best, the finest of the finest, the pick of the bunch/basket.

– "Ober, is er iets wat kunt u me aanraden?" – "De Belugakaviaar meneer, echt het neusje van de zalm."
("Waiter, is there something you can recommend to me?" – "The Beluga caviar sir, really the finest of the finest.")

Related words:
Blits: flashy, hip, cool, groovy [adjective].

– "Deze tent is helemaal blits, het is echt je van het tegenwoordig."
("This place is totally hip, it’s really all that nowadays.")

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